5 Reasons Buying Flowers is Practical
Buying Flowers- Some things in life are easier than others. Dribbling a basketball is easy; dunking is not. Tying your shoes is easy; unhinging a bra while kissing is not.
You have to do a lot of things that are difficult: Get up and go to work, sit patiently in traffic, say you’re sorry when you don’t feel sorry. It may feel daunting to think of adding “buy flowers” to that already long list of difficult missions. But the truth is, buying flowers is one of the most practical things you can do. Consider the following:
You Don’t Have to Pick Them Yourself
Sure, you could if you wanted to. Drive to an open field, dance like The Sound of Music. Or snatch them out of a bed outside of your local Hardee’s.
But buying flowers means they’ve already been planted, fed, picked, and arranged. All you need is your wallet. Speaking of which...
They’re Universal, Yet Unique
Some women hate jewelry, others hate candy. Some don’t care for a fancy dinner, others won’t be impressed by a beach vacation. But nary a woman doesn’t love at least one kind of flower. There’s a reliability to flowers, which are familiar, yet individualized. Flowers are a universal language, and yet at the same time, each bouquet is its own gesture. No two are the same.
Flowers are Economical
Some gifts are too extravagant, like a pearl necklace. Some are too cheap, like a shot glass in a bikini. Flowers are affordable, but classy if done right. While they all eventually whither, the look on a woman’s face upon presentation is priceless. Combine the first impression, the look, and the smell of roses on a table, and you’re looking at money well spent.
Perfect For When You’re in a Bind
When you’re looking for a last-minute gift idea, you may not have time to take the children to sculpt and glaze their own pottery creations for their dear sweet mother. You also don’t have time to run to Pier One and try to hunt for a matching whatchamacallit to go with that whose-what’s-it she has in the living room.
But what you know is that the flower shop is right where you left it. And since the last bouquet you bought died, you know she’d love another one. You know you would do the same thing if it were a puppy.
It’s the Thought That Counts
Even when she can tell you forgot that special day, even when she never asked for flowers, even when you can’t figure out what she wants, even when you screwed up and flowers alone won’t fix it—know that you have to start somewhere. In those times when you hit rock bottom in the general area of getting her something to show you care, flowers will still be there, because flowers show that you care.
You thought of her. And sometimes that’s practically all you need to show.
Buy beautiful and assorted flowers for your loved one-