Fresh Cut Flowers

How To Keep Fresh Cut Flowers Alive Longer?

How To Keep Fresh Cut Flowers Alive Longer?- Flowers are defined as seed bearings of glistening lovely shades. We all get flowers as gifts on birthdays, anniversaries, graduation, and stages of convalescence. They know to draw us closer to nature, create smiles, happiness, and Warmth, and at the same time, foster bonds.

It’s saddening watching this beautiful gift of nature wither with little or nothing to do. Most flowers tend to live for as long as thirty days, fourteen days, ten days, seven days, and three days being the least. The longevity of a flower depends on

the flower type and most importantly, how the flower is been taken care of.

Flowers are beautiful, they deserve to live longer.

They’re lots of ways to prevent flowers from getting degrad easily and prolong their longevity. They’re basically adhering to some flower care tips and using some home substances.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, and life doesn’t exist in a place of dirt, the first and most important step to take is to get a neat vase thoroughly wash and free from any residue, and remains. Flowers bloom well in a neat vase,

as a dirty vase will lead to bacterial growth and death of the flower.

Flowers bought from a florist shop usually scrutinize and condition, It’s necessary to same at home if the flower’s lifespan is been consider. Flower stems  to  trime at least once a week to allow the surface area for water absorption easy and quick. The flower stem is been trimmed in a forty-five-degree pattern, depending on the flower type, it can do underwater,  

studies have shown that cutting the stem beneath the water cancels the air bubble effect in the xylem.

Always check out for those below the flower line and cut them routinely. This method is referre to as pruning, it’s vital because most times those shrink leaves serve as a host for bacterial growth which if unattended to, affects the whole flower. Fresh Cut Flowers

Endeavor to top your water every day or after a few days, draining the dirty water, this is to keep the flower fresh, a thirsty flower is a dying one, and you obviously don’t want that. In as much as it’s important to top up water in the vase, don’t over water a flower, as this too, can kill it.

The area of exposure is a contributory factor to the lifespan of a flower, they should be shield from direct sun rays, heat, appliances, and fruits, especially ripening fruits. Sunlight makes fresh cut flowers lose their beautiful shades, and shriveled,

which most times is evident by the bleached smudges on the flowers.Flowers not suppose to be in proximity to ripening fruits, especially bananas and apples, as they known to secrete ethylene, which the flowers absorb, increasing the existing ethylene level,

this affects the flowers adversely, causing discoloration, closed buds, and death of flowers. Alcohol such as Vodka is believer to reduce ethylene production, and this extends flowers’ longevity.

Before plopping fresh cut  flowers in a vase, it’s important to know the flower types, this is because, most flowers can never cohabit,

either one will be parasitic on the other, and since there’s no equilibrium, the flower will wither.

 Flowers need nourishment to be sustained.

Buying flower food packs from florist shops is highly recommend, flowers need food to survive and look fresh. Flower food makes  up of three major components; sugar, acidified, and biocides. Sugar known to facilitate flower growth, and openings, extend its lifetime and enhance its sweet smell. The acidifier help maintains water-Ph equilibrium, it increases the acidic tendency of water and sorts out the right water for a flower to blossom, the most accessible acidifiers are citric acid, lime, and lemon juice.  The biocides terminate both bacterial and fungi infections, and it serves as prophylactic measures too. The roots of the flowers are the first line of attack by microbes, reducing water and sugar absorption and death of flowers. Chlorine and bromide are the two common biocides.

Flower nutriment can also cause a flower to deteriorate, this happens when the components of its food are been add in excess proportion. Flower foods can made by anyone by using the right materials. A substitute is Apple cider vinegar, water and sugar. Apple cider vinegar serves as an antibacterial agent, to get this flower meal done,

mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with two tablespoons of water,

add two tablespoons of sugar, stir, and add to the flower vase.

Subsequently, the use of coins has proven to help sustain the lifespan of a flower. Copper coins are the most effective. The longer the existence of coin, the more amount of copper which is an active fungicide, and acts as a biocide, reducing bacterial growth. Copper coins were more common in 1982, with 85 to 96% copper coating,

unlike penny coins of recent with 90-95% of zinc coating and 5%/ of copper.

Save the old coins for the bouquets. Fresh Cut Flowers

A penny coin, coin, sugar, and a reasonable amount of acid makes the flower live protected. This way the three basic nutrient-providing requirements have met.

Refrigerating flowers also helps to make flowers look healthy and increase their lifespan. Cold knows to reduce the aging process, and flowers bloom in cold temperatures. The refrigerating process does within a maximum period of 8 hours between thirty to forty-three degrees Fahrenheit. It’s important to remove all fruits from the fridge before refrigerating, to prevent them from absorbing ethylene. The major function of refrigerating flowers aside from giving a blooming bouquet

is that it helps reduce the dehydrating process of the flower.

The use of soda has  proven to boost the life span of flowers, soda contains sucrose, and adding soda to a flower vase. Will yield the expected result, as well as enhance the flower fragrance.

Applying these steps will help preserve the amazing flowers given by loved ones, making them fresh and blooming.

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