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Small Business Gifting

small business gift- Imagine this. You suddenly decide on a career change in your 40s.  You’ve known nothing else for these years while you perfected your 9-5 but now during the lock-down, you had something inside of you telling you to try something new that will make both you and your customers happy and need to take a leap of faith for this one. 

You tell your friends and family, and you don’t exactly get the support you were looking for and people are starting to fill your head with doubts rather than encouragement, but you get ready for the next day anyways. 

Ready to take on trying to promote and sell your amazing products to your people, someone knocks on the door, and it’s a delivery truck. Someone sent you a vibrant bouquet of beautifully arranged flowers with a note that says

“Keep going love, don’t give up!”. 

It makes you tear up a bit and anytime throughout the rest of the week whenever you feel a little down, you look over at those flowers and remember “I can do this, and people I love support me and believe in me”.

Why gift flowers to a small business?

In this time of COVID, a lot of people have decided to follow their dreams, find their passion, and open a small business.  This means high levels of stress, long hours, and a lot of creativity.  How do you tell someone how proud you are of them? How filled of joy you are that they are going after what they always wanted in their life and that shows them how much you support them on their journey?  That’s right, flowers!

What color flowers should I get them?

This is someone looking for encouragement and motivation in those flowers.  When choosing the perfect ones, in this case, think of their favorites first and work with that.  IF they don’t have a favorite or you’re thinking something else may work better then start here.  Try to work with lighter colors when picking flowers as it can help brighten up their workspace.  Light pastels remind people of spring and new starts and warm colors bring the feeling of fall and comfort.

What type of flowers to give them? 

A dozen of their favorites will definitely bring a smile to their face but if they don’t have a favorite, Carnations, Roses, Lilies,  or Hydrangeas are all great choices for pieces in a bouquet that will surely bring a smile to their face every time they see it!

Here are some awesome Gift Ideas for Entrepreneurs & Small business owners-
Succulent Planter Pen Cup TreeMan
Money Tree Pachira
Clean AIR Houseplant Multi-Pack Gift Collection

 By Krystal Ramsaran

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