Blog / Indoor flowers


Peonies are Forever

Legend has it that Zeus saved Paeon, the Greek goddess of healing, by turning her into a flower, the peony, after her teacher Asclepius, the god of medicine, went on a jealous rampage against her. While the exact origin is difficult to determine, we know for a fact that it has been a regular in gardens of Eurasia since the times of the ancient civilizations, often because it was used in the medicinal traditions of these cultures.

When talking about peonies, it is important to distinguish between the tree and the herbaceous varieties. The latter is the most common and well-known. Herbaceous means that the plant does not develop woody stems above the ground. For the tree varieties, it's the opposite, meaning that they can grow a little taller - up to 6 feet - in ideal conditions. Keep in mind, however, that although tree peony is the common name of the variety, it does not resemble a tree as we usually refer to it. In reality, they look like bright and colorful shrubs.

Within the tree and herbaceous peonies varieties, we can also draw distinctions according to the types of flowers they produce. In all cases, these varieties can bloom in many shades of pink, white, yellow, orange, red, and even purple:

  • Single: one row of broad petals
  • Bomb: a single row of broad petals encircles a dense pompon of narrower inward-facing petals
  • Double: the flower only consists of many broad petals
  • Semi-double: a double row of broad petals intertwines with the stamens
  • Anemone: a double row of broad petals encircles a pompon of thin outward-reaching narrower petals
  • Japanese: a single or double row encircles enlarged staminodes

Peonies are perennial plants, meaning that they can survive for more than two years. The herbaceous variety can propagate by dividing the roots when the plant is about to go into hibernation and replanting these 2 inches below the soil’s surface. Although the flowers only have a short blooming season of a little over a week, it is often said that if planted in an ideal location: in well-drained soil on a spot with at least 6 hours of sunshine per day, peonies can live for more than 100 years with minimum care.

These delicate and fragrant flowers symbolize love, romance, and beauty, possibly even more so than roses. Indeed it is not by mistake that they are by far the most popular flower at weddings.

Some of the beautiful flowers you may order for any occasions and for indoor and outdoor plants-
White Peony Wreath
Mixed Peony Value Bag
Bridal Wedding Bouquet

By Victor Medina Pierluisi

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How to Plant Flowers

How to Plant Flowers in a House?

How to Plant Flowers in a House- Many people grow flowers in their garden beds from spring to fall. But when the cold wind of winter comes, it's hard to keep the flowers blooming.

Even though it's winter, you can still enjoy the beauty of flowers. You can do this by making an indoor flower bed. All you need are a few pots or containers, some soil that has been aerated, and some plants that can live inside.

A lot of spring and summer blossoms will start to bloom in your home before you know it.

Finding the Best Flowering Plants for Your Indoor Space

In the same way that it's easy to control the growing environment, you can grow most of your favorite outdoor plants indoors as well.

Some of our favorites are miniature rose bushes, begonias, African violets, Cape primrose, purple shamrock (oxalis), and geraniums. You can also get full-sized rose bushes if you want.

If you want to keep things simple, look for a cactus or bromeliad in bloom. Christmas cactus is beautiful and easy to care for. In the bromeliad family, Guzmania has gorgeous flowers and sends out "pups" that can be used to start new plants.

Choosing the Right Spot

You should make sure your flowering plants are ready to grow in your indoor garden.

Sun-loving plants like geraniums or purple hearts will thrive near a window that faces south and gets a lot of direct sunlight each day. Putting a lot of small pots on the kitchen window sill will make even the gloomiest days brighter.

If you put Oxalis, Impatiens, and African Violets near an east-facing window that gets a lot of light but not too much, they will grow well.

Keep an eye on your plants to make sure they don't grow too far away or abnormally, which is a sign that they aren't getting enough sunlight.

Picking Planters

Then, look for containers that you and your plants will both love.

One of the best things about having plants in your home is choosing the right pot or container for them. It's up to you to make your home look better by using fun vessels or old things to grow your flowers and plants.

It doesn't matter what kind of container you choose for your plant. Make sure it has enough drainage. Most flowering plant species do better when the soil can dry out a little between waterings to grow better. You can drill or punch holes in metal, wood, and most plastic containers if they don't already have them. If they don't, you can make them. If you don't want water damage in your home, put a saucer or catch tray under the pot.


Some beautiful flowers you can plants in your house, they are-
Anthurium Flamingo Flower
Blue Moon Wisteria Tree Plant

By Elizabeth Aremu

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grow flower grow

10 Flowers That You Can Grow At Home

Vibrant and colorful flowers make any garden appear beautiful. But caring for flowers can be scary for a new gardener or a busy person at home. Flowering plants don’t need a lot of space. Here are ten flowers that you can grow at home:

Easy to Grow Flowers At Home

1. Hoya Carnosa- Grow Flowers

These plants, also called wax plants, should be at the top of your list if you want plants that look good and can easily grow inside. Do well in many different climates, and they can also be used in low-light situations. The waxy star-shaped buds are a big part of this tropical house plant that people notice.

2. Marigolds- Grow Flowers

Marigolds are an excellent choice for people looking for easy plants to grow at home. Marigold is an annual flower, and it grows all year round. You can enjoy the marigold through all seasons. There are four color varieties: Shades of yellow, red, gold, and mixed hue.Marigolds grow up to a height of 6 inches to 3 feet tall.

Marigold is one of many people’s choices because it grows quickly from seed, and they use it to repel mosquitoes both in the garden and on the window sill. The only thing is that Marigold cannot survive in low light.

3. Gladiolus

Gladioli are great for adding height and romance to floral arrangements because of their bright, long stems. With modern hybrids like Gladiolus “Tango” and “Green Star,” your vase will have a whole new set of colors that are both modern and fresh. There are many options. As soon as the lower two or three florets start to open, cut the gladiolus flowers. But try to leave as many leaves as possible to help the bulb growth for next year.  

4. Jasmine

Jasmine is a perennial flower with a beautiful fragrance. Jasmin plants are best planted between the end of autumn and spring. You can grow from seeds or use a 6-inch long jasmine branch at the beginning of the summer when the flowers begin to bloom and transfer to a balcony or garden. The jasmine thrives in low light.

5. Anthurium

There are a lot of different colors for these heart-shaped plants. They can be red or white, pink or purple, or even red and white. and also easy to grow inside and bloom all year long. They like indirect light, wet weather, and soil that isn’t too dry, so they do well. Parents and pet owners, be careful with these pretty plants because they can be dangerous if they get into your food. 

6. Gloxinia

This plant’s cousin is in the same family as African violets. It has pretty, frilly flowers and leaves that are dark green. Winter is a good time for nurseries, florists, and even some grocery stores to have these things. They like bright, screened sunlight and soil that isn’t too wet. They also don’t like getting their leaves wet. These flowers bloom for about two months. They’re known for being picky about reblooming.

7. Hydrangeas

Bright-leaved plants are great additions to your garden in the spring when they start to bloom independently. Hydrangeas can live for a long time if you keep their soil moist and put them in direct sunlight. The plants will look great in your home if these two things are true.

8. Cyclamen

New blooms keep coming up for months. The flowers come in pink, lilac, red, or white, floating on heart-shaped leaves. They love lots of sunlight but can thrive at room temperature between 60 and 70 degrees. If it’s warmer than that, the leaves start to turn yellow and die off. 

9. Phalaenopsis Orchid

These orchids look fragile, but they aren’t as fragile as they seem. They’ll bloom for a long time and can live for years with very little attention. This flower likes bright, indirect sunlight and plenty of water. 

10. Kalanchoe

This succulent has glossy green leaves and flower clusters that last for weeks. The bright red, yellow, pink, or orange flower clusters are some colors you can have. It thrives in bright indirect sunlight.

You may order some of the beautiful fresh flowers, Bouquet for any occasion.
Beautiful Fresh Flowers 4 Different Colors
Fresh Flowers Gift - Charming Fresh Cut Flowers

By Elizabeth Aremu

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Indoor Flowering Plants

Choosing the Best Indoor Flowering Plants

Best Indoor Flowering Plants- Nothing beats the brilliant color of flowers to bring your yard alive. Your space can be a blank canvas to paint whatever you choose. There are a few things to keep in mind to make sure the flowers you create the sweet beautiful picture you have in mind for your decorations. 

We will discuss some important factors to consider when choosing the best indoor flowering plants. We will also list some of the most popular indoor flowers for an amazing 2022 interior decor.

How to Choose The Best Flowering Plants

There are no bad or good flowers. Flower lovers are keen on the beauty and brilliance flowers give the atmosphere and how they seem to invite the sunshine in on a cloudy day. Before choosing any plant for your house, here are three key things to consider:

#1. Sun & Water

Like all living things, Flowers need water and sunlight to stay healthy. However, like humans, some plants require less or more than others. If you live in a place with little sunlight in the house, you should not choose flowers that need plenty of sunlight. Some flowers prefer to be in the shadow. Before getting too attached to a particular flower, figure out how much sun your room or office gets and choose flowers that will grow in that environment.  

#2. Time or Season

Just like many plants, flowers to are seasonal. Daffodils and tulips, for example, are planted in the fall and emerge as the first blossoms the following spring. When the weather heats up, bulbs burst forth in a burst of color that is a welcome respite from the winter's grey blandness.

As summer approaches, there are many warm-weather flowers like salvia and aster flowers, which bloom many times throughout the summer. Nicotiana flowers are particularly fragrant, especially in the evening. Even without much direct sunlight, fuchsia and begonias thrive in shaded settings. With their broad, glossy leaves and large blooms, majestic canna lilies provide a tropical impression to your yard throughout the hottest days of the year. Although these flowers do not blossom until the summer, planting them in the spring will allow them to thrive and bloom.

Finally, chrysanthemums (mums) bloom in the fall and flourish even when the weather cools.

#3. What is the Decor Plan

Knowing how certain flowers will look when they bloom can help you plan and figure out the best plants to buy and which part of the house. You should think about which colors will go together and look at other parts of your house. That will guide your choice.

Flowers enhance any home's visual beauty, and you can have them around all year round. Here are a few of the most popular flowers:

Most popular flowers in 2022: Indoor Flowering Plants

  1. Flowering maple
  2. African Violets
  3. Streptocarpus
  4. Clivia
  5. Peace lily
  6. Hibiscus
  7. Kalanchoe
  8. Hoya Carnosa
  9. Poinsettia
  10. Hydrangeas

Some prettiest indoor plants you may choose- Indoor Flowering Plants
Assorted Tillandsia Ionantha Air Plants
Ionantha Tillandsia Air Plant
Air Plants

By Elizabeth Aremu

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