Blog / indoor plant

Thinking of You

Thinking of You!

Thinking of You- It’s 2:00 pm on a workday. You’re at work typing away and your mind strays away to a certain someone. You haven’t been able to get a text or a call out to them, but your mind keeps running on them.  

So, what do you do?  Do you call and say “Hey! What’s going on? My mind has been on you recently.”Well, you can but that would look even better with a beautiful, vibrant bouquet of beautifully arranged flowers! What else could say how much you’re thinking of someone other than a beautiful bunch of vibrant flowers?

Why is buying flowers a gesture of “thinking of someone?”

This is a beautiful gesture when thinking of someone as flowers can bring a smile to anyone’s face.  Researchers have linked receiving flowers with a long-lasting positive mood.  If you’ve been thinking of that person, especially if they’re a long-time friend or relative chances are they might have been going through a bit of a rough time somewhere in their life. 

So, whether it be a vase full of fresh roses, lilies, daisies, or any other favorites, these are sure to bring a smile to your person that they can’t get rid of too easily!

Can I get someone a plant?

Oh absolutely! Plants are a great way to give longevity to that relationship with that special someone.  With it already potted, you have roots already growing within the plant and with the proper amount of care, you can continue to cultivate more plants over time! Along with learning to propagate your plant you can learn more about your plant over time

and slowly start to create your own little collection of green friends!

What’s better, a plant or a bunch of flowers?

This depends more on the type of person you are sending this to as well as how long you would like them to keep the flowers.  If you would like them to have some beautiful blooms for just about a week or two then the bunch of flowers freshly cut at the stem would be a perfect addition to their house or workplace.  However, if you want something a little more long-lasting and greener as opposed to floral, then a potted plant would be the way to go. 

This also depends on how much time you think that person will have to take care of the plant.  If they’re a rather busy person and always on the go traveling, a bouquet might be the best option as they will get to enjoy it for that time being, and then when they’re on the go, they will always have that memory of it as well as some beautiful pictures they took of those flowers!

You may order beautiful plants or fresh flowers for him/her -

By Krystal Ramsaran

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Indoor Flowering Plants

Choosing the Best Indoor Flowering Plants

Best Indoor Flowering Plants- Nothing beats the brilliant color of flowers to bring your yard alive. Your space can be a blank canvas to paint whatever you choose. There are a few things to keep in mind to make sure the flowers you create the sweet beautiful picture you have in mind for your decorations. 

We will discuss some important factors to consider when choosing the best indoor flowering plants. We will also list some of the most popular indoor flowers for an amazing 2022 interior decor.

How to Choose The Best Flowering Plants

There are no bad or good flowers. Flower lovers are keen on the beauty and brilliance flowers give the atmosphere and how they seem to invite the sunshine in on a cloudy day. Before choosing any plant for your house, here are three key things to consider:

#1. Sun & Water

Like all living things, Flowers need water and sunlight to stay healthy. However, like humans, some plants require less or more than others. If you live in a place with little sunlight in the house, you should not choose flowers that need plenty of sunlight. Some flowers prefer to be in the shadow. Before getting too attached to a particular flower, figure out how much sun your room or office gets and choose flowers that will grow in that environment.  

#2. Time or Season

Just like many plants, flowers to are seasonal. Daffodils and tulips, for example, are planted in the fall and emerge as the first blossoms the following spring. When the weather heats up, bulbs burst forth in a burst of color that is a welcome respite from the winter's grey blandness.

As summer approaches, there are many warm-weather flowers like salvia and aster flowers, which bloom many times throughout the summer. Nicotiana flowers are particularly fragrant, especially in the evening. Even without much direct sunlight, fuchsia and begonias thrive in shaded settings. With their broad, glossy leaves and large blooms, majestic canna lilies provide a tropical impression to your yard throughout the hottest days of the year. Although these flowers do not blossom until the summer, planting them in the spring will allow them to thrive and bloom.

Finally, chrysanthemums (mums) bloom in the fall and flourish even when the weather cools.

#3. What is the Decor Plan

Knowing how certain flowers will look when they bloom can help you plan and figure out the best plants to buy and which part of the house. You should think about which colors will go together and look at other parts of your house. That will guide your choice.

Flowers enhance any home's visual beauty, and you can have them around all year round. Here are a few of the most popular flowers:

Most popular flowers in 2022: Indoor Flowering Plants

  1. Flowering maple
  2. African Violets
  3. Streptocarpus
  4. Clivia
  5. Peace lily
  6. Hibiscus
  7. Kalanchoe
  8. Hoya Carnosa
  9. Poinsettia
  10. Hydrangeas

Some prettiest indoor plants you may choose- Indoor Flowering Plants
Assorted Tillandsia Ionantha Air Plants
Ionantha Tillandsia Air Plant
Air Plants

By Elizabeth Aremu

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Hawaiian Spider Plant

4 Hawaiian Spider Plant


This plant - also known as (Chlorophytum comosum) its scientific name, and airplane plant. This plant has travelled the world and become one of the most popular plant for homes. Hawaiian spider plant has this beautiful narrow golden tips and more brighter green leaves than common spider plant. Although there is a variety of spider plants but Hawaiian spider plant is the most popular of them all, because of its beautiful bright color.


This plant is originated from Southern Africa tropics hence it enjoys the warm weather. Spider plants are easy and requires minimal care.


It is a small sized plant that can grow up to two feet tall and can spread really fast.


This plant loves indirect sunlight. If placed outside in direct light, it can burn the leaves. It requires warm and shady spots in your home or outside.


1.Chlorophytum capense.

2.Chlorophytum Bichetii

3.Variegated spider plant. Variegated spider plant.

4.Reverse spider plant.

5.Zebra spider plant (Chlorophytum laxum)

6.Bonnie spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

7.Spider Plant


This Plant are simple to take care of. They need slightly moist soil, in springs and summers, watering the plant once a week is good enough to keep it healthy. The most important thing is to have a pot with drainage hole, that allows the soil to breathe and if you thing the soil is too dry, you can water it accordingly. Too little or too much water can damage the roots and the plant will eventually die.


Hawaiian Spider Plants are often placed inside the house in a warm temperature room with bright to moderate sunlight. These plants start small so you can also place it on your kitchen counters. These plants can also place in your living room in a beautiful planter to brighten up your room and gives beautiful vibes to the area. One of the benefits of having a Spider plant in your home is that it purifies the air and removes harmful pollutants.



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